
  • Q: Can i prevent my cursor from moving when i use certain gestures?

    • A: Not currently, it is possible to cancel inputs via plugins, but i’m not sure on how to obtain the best of both worlds.

  • Q: Can i use this without a touch tablet?

    • A: Not currently, however, i do think that being able to trigger single-touch gestures with just a pen would be a good idea (Soft Keys comes to mind).

  • Q: Can i specify which tablet to configure?

    • A: You can change the configured tablet the same way as OpenTabletDriver 0.6,x, using a dropdown located at the bottom left of the interface. It is however only available in the 0.6.x version as it’s the only version that currently supports multiple tablets.

This section is still in construction, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them on the Github Discussions